Ihre Geheimnisse & seine Reise

Er glaubte, dass er alles wusste. Er dachte, er hätte sein Leben im Griff.

Aber er konnte sich nicht mehr belügen, nicht mehr...

Ein Roman


H. A. Lüthi

Eine Geschichte über eine gefährliche Reise und darüber, wie das Leben uns zwingt, das zu konfrontieren, was wir am meisten meiden.

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And She Said No

The Storms of Life; they will either destroy you, or will make you stronger. The choice is yours whether to spend your life trying to survive, or to become the warrior of your own Story.

Tutankhamun, a King of Ancient Egypt in the eighteenth Dynasty once said:

“When the world says: Give up, Hope whispers: Try it one more time.”

And he also said: “The Sun always shines after the Storm.”

This is the Story of Nora,

a novel written by

H. A. Lüthi

A Heartwarming story, filled with the magic of intuitions, the power of awareness and the wisdom behind the will.

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As part of the story takes place in the amazing land of Egypt, we've always wanted to include an authentic piece of music in our novel trailer that would best represent this wonderful country.

We feel that the music


The phenomenal Egyptian composer,

Mr. Omar Khairat

does indeed tell enchanting stories without spoken words.

We are very grateful to Mr. Omar Khairat for allowing us to use a part of his music "Damir abla Hikmat; The Conscience of Mrs Hikmat" in our short video trailer. Needless to say, we cannot express enough our respect and appreciation for Mr. Khairat's person and his outstanding art.

We also thank deeply Mrs. Nevine Nazif, PR Manager, for her efforts, cooperation and very pleasant style of communication during the time we have been trying to obtain the permission.

Enjoy listening to a piece of music that speaks to the soul, along with another video trailer for the novel: "And She Said No".

The Egyptian, Authentic composer MR. OMAR KHAIRAT in cooperation with H-NOVELS.

To have peace, try to discover the world that is within you, for the outer world is full of destruction. Speak out, but do not let your tongue slip with words of foolishness; be confident, but also be humble. Our souls never die, and this life is like the blink of an eye; it is our choice what to do with our lives. Our conscience is the only thing that makes us human.

H. A. Lüthi


Abbiamo il coraggio di conoscere le vere risposte a tutte le domande che potremmo chiedere a noi stessi? Alcuni dicono: la verità può essere brutta. La verità non è mai brutta; è la paura di affrontare la realtà che lo è. Questa è una storia di scoperta di un segreto interessante, e un viaggio di battaglia con la verità. Nulla cambierebbe se chiudessimo gli occhi; se rimanessimo in silenzio e se temessimo di conoscere la verità.

Un Romanzo Mistico, Coinvolgente ed Ispirante creato dall'autore H. A. Lüthi.

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Do we have the courage to know the true answers to all the questions that we might ask ourselves? 

Some people say: the truth can be ugly. The truth is never ugly; the fear of facing the reality that is. This is a story of uncovering a long buried secret, a journey of battling with the truth. 

If we keep on closing our eyes; if we remain silent; if we fear to know the truth, Nothing would change... 

A Captivating, enchanting Novel created by the Author H. A. Lüthi.

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